Rabu, 02 Maret 2016

What is a Breath Dzikir?

What is a Breath Dzikir?
Breath dzikir is the dzikir of consciousness by using the words, Huu Allah, a method of dzikir with the rhythm of inhaling-exhaling through nasal cavity to the lungs and then exhaling through nasal cavity again. How to put it into practice is also very easy: when inhale, the heath dzikir, Huu Allah (which means: He, God), and when exhale, heart dzikir, Allah, (God).
Amaliah dzikir is one of the easiest and lightest kinds of charity. However, since this practice of charity requires istiqamah (consistency, continuously) and the involvement of mind and emotion, then this practice becomes heavy. The scholars divided the practice of dzikir into different capacity levels. For example, by simply reading dzikir, one is already considered doing dzikir, although emotion and mind are not at all involved.
Mouth dzikir is the first level of dzikir. However, this dzikir level is already getting a reward from Allah, because there is one body part that performs dzikir. The second level is dzikir with the mind. The mind is led to what is said and thinks about it.
The third level is dzikir by heart. This dzikir level is higher than the one of the mind, because dzikir with the heart can automatically activate the mind dzikir. The fourth level of dzikir is the highest among them level, which is dzikir with consciousness. This livel is often identified with Ihsan. Ihsan is a state of dzikir in which a person feels being face to face with God, praising Him with all consciousness

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