Breath Dzikir for Healing

Breath Dzikir to heal the sick can be done in the following method: take a comfortable sitting position, read Basmallah, creed, and istighfar (forgiveness), then continue with shalawat. This reading is not mantra. The goal of this reading is to direct our soul to God as the Dzat, One who heals. Begin to pay attention to the breathing rhythm, then immediately followed with breath dzikir using Huu Allah.
After several breath dzikir, take note the impulse that causes breathing (not the breath!) while realizing that it is God who has such impulse. Then, pray to God through such impulse, direct the attention to the part of the body that is ill, and pray to God, asking for healing power. Wait until such a drive or impulse “speak” to us. If there is already an answer, follow its course, and continue until the impulse fades away or shows some signs of healing process to complete.
To close, offer everything that has been done to God and conclude the whole process with reading the Hamdallah and shalawat (blessing) to the Prophet Muhammad.

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