Breath Dzikir to Reduce Stress

Breath Dzikir is a form of passivity or resignation by using words repeated regularly, that induces relaxation through the feeling of serenity.
In the breath dzikir, relaxation response is integrated with faith. The repetition of words chosen can evoke a state of relaxation. This integrated method is more effective when compared to the relaxation technique that does not involve faith factor. This method can lead us into a deeper level of relaxation.
To obtain a perfect relaxation, it is recommended that the words used are those which have meaning or deeper significance to us. In the Islam literature, there are many words that can be utilized to practice dzikir, such as Huu Allah, Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahuakbar, or by using Asmaul Husnah, Beautiful Names. The meaning dzikir itself is being conscious, and therefore the act dzikir emphasizes more on the meaning or significance of the act and words than just their verbalization.
With all this, it is expected that this Breath Dzikir can lead the subject to the transcendental nature. Transcendental nature would provide a different state, an altered state of consciousness, where the state of consciousness will as well change the state of mind and state of emotion.
In this condition, if continued with the resignation, it will result in an extraordinary spiritual state, because to approach God cannot be obtained except through total self-surrender to Him. In one of the Hadits of the Prophet, it is said that self-surrender is the closest state of being between man and God.
Self-surrender can be described as an attitude of total submission to the transcendent object, that is God Almighty. With this attitude, whatever happens within oneself can be accepted without reservation; thus, it is very effective to induce passivity. To practice good relaxation with dzikir can obtain a positive effect of serenity and freedom burdens due to excessive stress.
In essence, dzikir relaxation requires us to be able to enter into a state of mind of submission to the Creator. Because as we enter into resignation, we will be conscious fully of God. The more we can feel resigned and willingly accept the disease that we experience, the rest of the body will be in harmony to accept it in serenity. Ultimately it will create a sense of relaxation and finally find a peace of mind.
The use of breathing is very effective in the practice of dzikir, because breathing is a unique method. The integration of breathing and the verbalization of words Huu Allah help to create a conducive atmosphere of dzikir.
Then the use of breathing regularly will intensify and deepen the intensity of dzikir. By doing so, the breath becomes an effective tool to be the anchor. The principle of anchor is intensity. The more we use breathing for dzikir, the faster we become associated with the awareness of God.
A Practical tip to make breath dzikir as an anchor is that we have to find first an atmosphere of dzikir, or the atmosphere of tranquility in the dzikir, or ultimate spiritual state that we have ever tasted and experienced.
Having found the ultimate spiritual atmosphere, do the inhale with uttering the word, Huu, and  and then the exhale with uttering the word, Allah. Sustain this state for the duration of ten minutes.
Once completed, do check if the anchor is effective to forget other things except Allah.
To do this method continuously or istiqamah eventually we will be able to slowly and gradually reach a spiritual state that we want, anytime and anywhere. Simply by following the breath technique with the utterance of words Huu Allah, our heart will feel serenity instantly.

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